a!doctype html> About | Sobornost's blog


Welcome to my humble website. I hope you’ll enjoy it.

I am a student at Paris-Saclay University, in CentraleSupélec’s main program.

I am currently working in the CAPSULE group, as an intern. I am under the direction of P-A. Fouque. I work on improving hash-and-sign lattice signatures and implementations. I am also interested in formal verification of those implementations. I also investigate MPC-in-the-Head constructions as exploratory work.

I previously did an internship at the SecT laboratory. I studied the resilience of multivariate post-quantum cryptography schemes against implementation attacks under the supervision of S. Marzougui, V. Ulitzsch & J-P. Seifert.

I am interested in many fields. Of course, computer science, especially the intersection between cryptography, security and formal methods. But I have an interdisciplinary background, that includes math, physics (and even chemistry), and I am ready to touch anything interesting enough.

More formally, my research interests are :

  • Cryptography
    • MPC-in-the-Head schemes
    • Lattice cryptography
    • Computational number theory
    • Attacks on multivariate cryptography
  • Proofs and programs
    • Verification of cryptographic implementations
    • Formal proofs of security
    • Formalisation of mathematical proofs

My résumé is available here

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